Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Sandman's Helm (Pt.7)

So much to my horror, I realised I only have about a week and a half left to finish this project, oh procrastination and real-life, how you consume my time! *shakes fist*

Seriously, time was running short, and it started to dawn on me that I was messing around again, tinkering with details when the main forms hadn't even been finished yet. I therefore went straight to measuring and working on the other side, copying as much as I can, as quickly as I can.

Here you can see me trying to block out what I had created on the other side.

Yep, guess who kept losing his mid-line... thankfully, having already found it, there were enough remnants for me to recreate it each time I worked over the area.

And for a laugh, I bought a 'glam rock' wig from my local costume store, cut it ragged with a pair of scissors, and I think I successfully achieved a Morpheus 'do. Wig was awesome, shame about the fool wearing it. :p

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