Monday, June 18, 2012

The Sandman's Helm (Pt.6)

Pressing on from last time, here are more sculpting updates.

I decided to over-accentuate the brow ridges and made the eyebrows heavier, there was a lot of raking, and moving things around, and I also continued to work on the side, pressing on with the spinal and bone pattern.

At this point, I also wanted to get started on the upper part of the 'spine respirator', i.e. the mount point for the medical spine. I knew I'd need enough space to make sure my nose and mouth still fit in there, but also that I'd be able to breathe, and it would be strong enough to support any weight that I mount onto it.

Next, I started copying the shapes to the other side, cleaning up the eyes and trying to get a modicum of symmetry. I used the tricks I'd learned from some of the tutorials, like measurements, and re-establishing the mid line. I also started smoothing out the roughest rake marks and smoothing the 'right' side down.

I can't emphasise enough how helpful a 'lazy susan' was here, that little rotating platform under it. Beats moving around all the time, that's for sure.

Back to the side, I liked the ridges running along the top and back, and the deep gouges look really bone like, however the middle section looked too much like veins, rather than bone, so I thought about what to do about that while I continued the bone pattern by filling out the 'Y' shapes and digging deeper sections and patterns in the depressions to give a better illusion of depth and hollowness.

Once that was done, I cut away all the 'veins' from the middle section and tried a new pattern. On the spine I had, I noticed the 'tail bone' section was almost exactly the right size for this area, so I tried copying it, with a bit more stylization.

It was definitely closer, but after all this work I decided it was probably time to take a step back, have a break, and come back to it fresh another day.

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