Monday, May 14, 2012

The Sandman's Helm (Pt.3)

A little progress shot, the big blocking out process comes to an end! Here's a little shot of a chunk of very rough 'jawline' detail of the Old-God skull. Followed by reflecting and duplicating as close as possible onto the other side. He looks a big fat, but intentionally so!

Like Sculptors of old, I've always had a much easier time in my brain thinking about sculpture as 'a process of releasing the final sculpt from its medium' and that's what I intend to do, whittle it down now into the fine details, removing, only adding where things fall short.

He also seems to have a quizzical expression... not intended, but easily fixed. :p

There's still a lot more material on the right than there is on the left, so the whittling will begin in earnest on the right side.

Stay tuned.

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