Saturday, April 7, 2012

Rebound 25 Poi Candles

A trip into new materials and the start to prop making with the amazing, as always, collaboration of Margaux Bunel! Sadly missed the deadline by a LONG way, but we got there in the end after much iteration.

Thanks Mx, and Happy Birthday Jillian!

The finished iterations!

Upper left - The first mold, shattered down one side, and needed a lot of repairing for recast.

Upper Middle - The final cast! Molded using silicone rubber. Churning out the birthday candles!

Upper right - A much cleaner cast, lost a bit of detail for some reason.

Applying the first layer of Rebound 25 silicone from

And now... we wait (for about an hour).

Yeah, it got reeaaal messy from time to time. ;)

The mayhem machine.

I had to employ some engineering, yep, I was winging a lot of this using random kitchen supplies!

I barely even know what's going on half the time.

Let's get the party started, coloured and scented wax - GO!

And now...

... we wait.

The first two pulls, some air-bubbling and some decoloration but that fits the style. All in all, niccccce!

All three together, 1 Gardenia scented, 2 mint.

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