Saturday, January 28, 2012

Oven Build!

I found designs for an oven build online in Stop Motion Magazine, and decided that instead of destroying my oven at home and rendering it useless for all future food exploits, and instead of buying an oven second hand or otherwise, I'd just make one!

All in all came in at about $250 and change for all the raw materials! The experience alone was more than worth it, but I now have a 3'x2'x4' specialised oven as well. . ;)

This was the goal... well, not really.

Raw materials (not all show in this particular pic) - bought! ~$250 in total.

Manly tools that can lop an arm and a foot off, but nonetheless the wood felt its wrath!

I shall free the base and the roof from their conjoined bonds!

I realllly need to buy a workbench, but these sturdy chairs did for now!

It's like a heat resistant skateboard!

The frame taking shape...

This is the shape of things to come. *badum-tish*

Support frame for the rack that'll come right at the end of the build.

Applying the foil sided outer walls. Heat retention is a must on all the surfaces, so I thought!

The front wall needed the door cut out, that looks about right to fit a human bod... I mean cast through!

Manly times require manly actions! Grinding at its finest! Let the sparks fly!

Ok, ok, so I enlisted some girly help, but she had to shave every 30 minutes due to the pure manliness in this build! I swear!

Margaux REALLY liked grinding. Who am I to complain?

Foil sided insulation filling out the frame.

The front needed a bit more care and attention around the edges. Great work, Mx!

She definately seemed to be enjoying the whole process...

...uhm, ok, maybe there's something else going on here I can't explain.

Finished frame and insulation...

... with a view of the inside.

First stage clean-up!

Yes, I did do some work on this project, I didn't just leave it all to Mx... I used the power of mathematics! Look at that sexy geometry!

Ok, well maybe that's all I did.... look at those guns, and those inadvertantly elven ears!

Skip ahead, duct holes cut, door attached with sliding locks and everything! Fan Attached to the roof and tested.

Check this beast out, coming along nicely.

Margaux REAAALLLLY liked grinding.

Duct (and eye's and teeth) attached! Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto.

Glamourous side shot!

Rack fitted, might need to add a few more supports in there later.

Might also need to even out the rungs a bit.

Finished! External thermometer (nose) added for gauging temp inside, and wiring routed to extension socket that has it's own on/off switch.

She's one fine lookin' oven, open wiiiide...

Thar she blows, let's kick this into action and start cremating babi... I mean making stuff!

Oh, what does that say there?

Over 200 degrees Farenheit, bingo! You could boil water in thar!

I didn't even have to set myself on fire to do it.